Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 2 Notes

Summary:  In Chapter 2, Lennie and George make it to the Bunkhouse.  When they get their they meet the boss. They don't like the boss, or as a matter of fact, the environment there.  They want to leave as soon as they can.  They meet Curley the bosses son and his wife, as well as Slim.  Curley is a nasty man who can get away with anything just because he is the bosses son.  He just got married two weeks ago to his wife who is a lady that no one likes and will get you in trouble.  Slim is one of the workers.  Lennie and George are just meeting everyone and learning what they are like.

Questions:  So far in the story Lennie and George just got the the Bunkhouse where they will get work.  They have been meeting people like the boss, Curley, his wife, the swamper, and Slim.  What made Curley so nasty? Was it his past like he was abused or just how he was raised? Also on page 35, it says, "She slang her her pups last night," said Slim. "Nine of  'em. I drowned four of 'em right off."  What does this mean? Who did this? This people in this book don't seem very nice at all except for Slim.   

Reflect:  '"Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy.  I just like to know what your interest is."'
"George said, 'He's my... cousin.'
In this part of the chapter I felt bad for George.  He has to stick up for Lennie all the time and take all the problems that people cause because Lennie doesn't answer and George is answering for him.  I wouldn't be able to do that all the time.  I would get fed up at some points and want nothing to do with Lennie.  I'm am really proud of him though because he is doing what is right and staying by Lennie's side through all the rough and smooth patch in life.  I think the theme so far is that you can never give up on something you started.  They can't give up on this job and George can't give up on taking care of Lennie because then he will lose is family and best friend.

-- In this song besides for the fact that he is talking about love, the song says a lot about not giving up on anyone.  He will try his best to make it easy.

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